As relationships develop, disciples are made and neighborhoods are being reshaped, we believe that Jesus, through the Holy Spirit is at work - and we get to be a part of this great mission. Consistently throughout Scripture, particularly in the book of Acts, we read of people, endowed with the Spirit, gathering in homes, marketplaces, city centers and other public spaces. When this happens God's mission to redeem creation and reconcile the world back to himself - is multiplied. We are not simply hopeful this will happen, we expectantly believe this will happen. We believe it because we've experienced it first hand and through the promises of Scripture. Imagine this, you have joined a Harvest Gate Network house church. You're growing in your relationship with Christ - you see God at work in your life and the life of others - and you know that there is more. You are called to share this lived experience with others. But you aren't a seminarian - you don't have a degree in theology, but you passionately love Jesus and you have people speaking into your life affirming that you are called to the harvest fields yet, there is this dream welling up inside of you.
“Sustainable. Reproducible. Apostolic. This is the Harvestgate Network.”
You feel a stirring in your spirit to start a yoga studio, or a barbershop, or a restaurant - but there is this call to be a part of this harvest. Why not do both? Incarnate yourself into your neighborhood and allow us to come alongside you as we launch you into a incarnational missional expression of Jesus-lived Church. We believe that what God has given us isn't ours to begin with. So at Harvest Gate 100% of what is brought in through the house church goes towards mission (40% local, 40% foreign, 20% operational) while, 10% of profits from Harvest Gate Coffeehouse goes towards multiplication efforts. The monies designated as 'Multiplication' help to fund other plants both in and out of the Harvest Gate Network. This applies to all churches and marketplace ventures operating within the HGN. Sustainable. Reproducible. Apostolic. This is the Harvestgate Network.